

Home Services

Home Protection Services

Protect and Winterize Your Home with Our Home Protection Plan!

Have you ever closed your house up for the winter months only to return to burst pipes and broken appliances? Well, don’t give up your plans for next year quite yet. Just call on the outstanding services of GallettAir Inc., and we’ll make sure your heating and cooling equipment is well taken care of while you fly south for the winter.
Comprehensive Home Protection Plans

Avoid the devastating damage created by frozen pipes with a comprehensive home protection plan provided by GallettAir Inc. We’ll completely winterize your home, taking care of everything from heating and cooling equipment to electrical and plumbing appliances. With our extensive services, you can count on your home to remain safe from winter’s chill.
Getting Ready for Winter

To winterize your heating and cooling systems, we first have to drain and turn off the water supply source. Then a high-quality, non-toxic antifreeze is pumped through the piping, faucets, and appliances. When all of the traps and drains are purged with antifreeze, the winterization process is complete. Just give us a call when you’re ready to come home, and we’ll get everything ready for your return.
heating & cooling system
Reliable HVAC Contractors 

Put your trust in the qualified contractors that have over 36 years of hands-on experience! Our locally owned and operated company is fully licensed by Consumer Affairs, and we’re insured and bonded for your protection, so you can count on us for the best services in town!
Protect your home while you fly south for the winter! Call today!
We offer the following HVAC services:
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